Rhode Island Nutrition Therapy

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Walk With RINT To Save Lives this June!

Join us for the 2024 Southern New England Heart Walk!

When: Saturday, June 8th, 2024

Start Line: Rhode Island College Main Quad
Route Length: 3 Miles

The Heart Walk has always been a great way to get moving while socializing with friends, family and co-workers leading up to and on the day of event. But it's so much more than a walk. Walking in the Heart Walk boosts your heart health AND mental health while helping millions of others at the same time.All of us have been impacted personally by heart disease. For me, I have lost:

  • My brother-in-law at age 46 - a massive heart attack (no known heart disease history)

  • My father-in-law at age 59 - a massive heart attack on Christmas eve

  • My grandfather in his 60's - congestive heart failure which led to his death

And closest to my heart…at age 59, my mother had a complete blockage of one of the main arteries from her heart. Her symptoms were only a chronic cough. She thought she just had a chest cold. Fortunately, her doctor was paying attention and sent her for testing. A stent was placed and she is still traveling and exercising almost 20 years later! 

At RINT, heart disease impacts us every day. The majority of our patients either have heart disease or are at an increased risk for a cardiac event. That's why this heart walk is close to our own hearts!

Every one of us has a connection, a person, a why to get out there and make a difference when it comes to the #1 and #5 causes of death: heart disease and stroke.

So, let's be life changing, step out together and save some lives. Oh, and let's also have some fun along the way!​

This year, the American Heart Association’s centennial is a celebration of the of the lifesaving achievements and shared vision for a bold second century that will exponentially advance heart and brain health. ​

Sign up to participate, to lead a team, to donate, to recruit friends and family. Then, let's walk together!​

Our goal is to have 50 patients walk with our team. You don't have to donate, it's up to you.

Sign up on our team and GET A FREE RI NUTRITION THERAPY T-SHIRT to wear to the event!

Click here to go to our AHA page and register to join us on June 8th!


Aaaannnnnnnnd GO! XO