How to Improve Your Mood with Food
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We’ve all heard that timeless adage: you are what you eat. And perhaps the reason why this saying is so popular is because of how true it is. As humans, the food we consume heavily affects our overall energy, health and mood, and with so much banking on the food that we eat, making consistent healthy dietary and nutritional choices can be rather hard. Nonetheless, it's of utmost importance that we pay attention to what we eat, especially with how stressful everyday life can be these days. Bearing that in mind, here are some tips on how you can save yourself from stress and achieve a better mood through food.
Eating more Fatty Fish
Omega 3 fatty acids are a group of essential fats that one can obtain by eating fatty fish like salmon, albacore tuna and Atlantic mackerel. Aside from reducing the likelihood of heart attack and stroke, clinical trials in some studies cited by the Healthline found that consuming omega 3 in the form of fish oil can reduce depression scores and relieve symptoms of various mood disorders such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. For newbies in the kitchen, preparing fish can turn out to be a daunting task, which is why it is best to have a trusty oven such as the Bosch Serie 4 Built-In Electric Single Oven that is high performing and available at a reasonable price.
Choosing Whole Grains
If you are looking for a quick fix that is not only filling but also mood-boosting, then go for whole grains. Taste of Home explained that the complex and high-fiber carbohydrates that can be found in whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal and whole-wheat pasta can help the body release serotonin. This chemical, also known as the “feel-good” hormone, can help regulate anxiety, happiness and mood. The easiest way to prepare whole grains such as brown rice is by using a handy rice cooker like the Instant Pot Lux Mini Rice Cooker. This is the perfect choice for foodies who like appliances that can serve multiple functions. After all, this one can serve as an electric pressure cooker, sterilizer, slow cooker, steamer and many more.
Loading Up on Green, Leafy Vegetables and Fruits
Based on a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, people with depression had lower blood levels of folate and a lower dietary intake of folate compared to those without it. Folate, which is a kind of B-vitamin that can be found in green leafy vegetables, can help facilitate the synthesis of different neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine -- all of which are involved in mood regulation and other important functions. Still, no matter how well-documented the endless benefits of vegetables are, some of us just can’t fathom eating them, let alone incorporating them into our daily diet. Thankfully, there are a lot of ways one can prepare vegetables and make them more palatable. For instance, you can easily turn these leafy vegetables into a healthy smoothie with a budget blender like Oster VERSA Pro Performance Blender. To make your smoothie even more appetizing, consider mixing it with berries and nuts, which are just as mood-boosting.
As highlighted in our previous post ‘5 Hidden Reasons Why Your Nutrition Plan Isn't Helping’, the best way to stay happy and healthy is not by following the latest trend or fad diet. It is by subscribing to a nutritious diet and exercising regularly. So to be a happier and healthier version of yourself, don’t forget to eat fatty fish, whole grains and leafy vegetables and accompany it with a few good minutes of exercise every day.
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