Being Gentle With Ourselves
Moving forward in your life. Learning from the past. Be gentle with yourself.
It's time to give yourself a break. Quit being so hard on yourself. Let go of perfection. Let go of the fact that you may have failed at something. Let go of mistakes. You are human. It is inevitable. Forgive yourself if you need to. Make a list of your mistakes and light it on fire. It is behind you. Start fresh today. Only this time try being gentle with yourself. Understand that your path won't be perfect. It will be filled with road blocks and mistakes and failures. The blessing is that this is your chance to practice getting up, wiping off the dirt and the tears, and looking at the challenge straight in the face, and telling yourself that it's okay. That you are learning. That you will get through this. That you will get to the other side. Because this is your path. It may not be pretty, but it is perfectly designed just for you. Who wants a pretty path anyways? You want it to be rocky. You want the terrain to be rough. Because when you make it out to the other side, you won't ever want to go back. Sometimes, you need to throw a match down behind you. Don't worry about burning bridges. Maybe the bridge behind you needs to be engulfed in flames. How else will you be forced to look forward and face what is ahead? There is no turning back now. You have the strength. You can do this. Don't look back. You have used your past to give you the strength to do this. Now get up. Wipe off the dirt. Wipe off those tears. Hold your head up high. Look forward. You've got this! Aaaaaannnnd GO!