Surviving the Holiday Season

Surviving the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, bringing with it joy, laughter, and an abundance of delicious treats. While it's a time to celebrate and connect with loved ones, it can also pose challenges to our health and well-being. However, with a mindful approach, you can not only survive but thrive during this festive time.

Keep a Realistic Routine

The holidays can become a time of chaos and lack of structure. It is a busy time with lots of parties, get-togethers and family time. Keeping a routine will help you keep your mind settled and help you stay on track. Realistic routines involve setting achievable goals for daily activities, whether it's sticking to regular mealtimes, incorporating short bursts of exercise, or dedicating time for relaxation. This approach allows for flexibility without completely derailing healthy habits. By acknowledging the unique demands of the holiday season and adjusting expectations accordingly, you can enjoy the festivities while still prioritizing your physical and mental health. Striking this balance ensures that the holiday season is not only joyful but also sustainable in the long run.

Prioritize Your Self-Care

Self-care can look like a wide variety of things. Whether it be a full-blown spa day, or even taking time to take a walk outside. It is crucial during these winter months to find some sort of self care in your everyday routine. 

Here are some suggestions you could try: 

  • Short meditations on the insight timer or headspace app

  • Walks outside unplugged from your phone

  • Reading a book before bed

  • Taking a spa day

  • Enjoy the water journey at the Bodhi Spa

  • Bake a sweet treat

  • Take a new fitness class

  • Write in a journal

  • Do some breathing exercises

This list is just some suggestions but self-care is unique to everyone, so choose something that makes you feel good!

Learn Ways to Manage Stress

Along with self-care, learning how to effectively manage stress is crucial during the holiday season and winter months. Here are some tips to help you ease your stress and anxiety.

  • Deep Breathing Techniques: Practice deep breathing exercises to calm the nervous system and reduce stress. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth.

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Incorporate short mindfulness meditation sessions into your day. Focus on the present moment, paying attention to your breath and letting go of distracting thoughts.

  • Physical Activity: Engage in regular physical activity, even if it's just a short walk. Exercise releases endorphins, which act as natural stress relievers, promoting a positive mood.

  • Prioritize and Organize: Make a to-do list, prioritize tasks, and break them into smaller, more manageable steps. This helps prevent feeling overwhelmed and allows for a more organized approach to challenges.

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that perfection is not attainable, especially during busy times. Set realistic expectations for yourself and others, and be willing to adjust plans as needed.

  • Time Management: Efficiently manage your time by setting boundaries and allocating specific time slots for work, relaxation, and socializing. This helps prevent burnout and ensures a more balanced lifestyle.

  • Connect with Others: Share your thoughts and feelings with friends or family. Sometimes, discussing concerns can provide new perspectives and emotional support.

  • Limit Stimulants: Reduce the intake of stimulants like caffeine and sugar, as they can contribute to increased stress and anxiety levels. Opt for healthier alternatives and stay hydrated.

  • Create a Relaxation Space: Designate a peaceful space at home where you can unwind and relax. Whether it's a cozy corner with soft lighting or a comfortable chair, having a dedicated spot can help alleviate stress.

  • Practice Gratitude: Focus on the positive aspects of your life by keeping a gratitude journal. Regularly jotting down things you are thankful for can shift your mindset and promote a more optimistic outlook.

  • Learn to Say No: Recognize your limits and be willing to decline additional commitments when your plate is full. Saying no is an important skill in maintaining a healthy work-life balance

Stay Active

Staying active during the holidays and winter months can be challenging, but it's essential for maintaining physical and mental well-being. Here are some bullet-pointed suggestions:

Indoor Workouts:

  • Engage in home workouts or follow online fitness videos.

  • Try activities like yoga, Pilates, or bodyweight exercises.

Outdoor Winter Sports:

  • Embrace winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, or snowshoeing.

  • Take advantage of seasonal activities like sledding and ice hockey.

Join a Gym or Fitness Class:

  • Enroll in a gym or fitness class to stay motivated.

  • Group classes can provide a social aspect and accountability.

Walking or Hiking:

  • Bundle up and take brisk walks in your neighborhood or local parks.

  • Explore nearby trails or nature reserves for winter hikes.

Indoor Sports Leagues:

  • Join indoor sports leagues like basketball, volleyball, or racquet sports.

  • Many communities have indoor facilities for sports activities.

Home Gym Equipment:

  • Invest in compact home gym equipment like dumbbells, resistance bands, or a stationary bike.

  • Create a dedicated space for exercising at home.

Dance Workouts:

  • Participate in dance workouts for a fun and effective way to stay active.

  • Dance classes or online tutorials can be enjoyable and good exercise.

Winter Swimming:

  • Find indoor swimming pools to continue swimming during the colder months.

  • Swimming is an excellent full-body workout.

Active Social Gatherings:

  • Plan active outings with friends or family, such as ice skating or winter walks.

  • Turn holiday gatherings into active events, like a friendly sports match.

Set Goals:

  • Establish fitness goals for the winter months to stay focused.

  • Track your progress and celebrate achievements, no matter how small.

Stay Hydrated:

  • Drink enough water, even in the cold weather, to support your body's functions.

  • Proper hydration is crucial for overall health and fitness.

Stay Warm and Safe:

  • Dress in layers to stay warm during outdoor activities.

  • Be cautious of slippery surfaces and ensure proper footwear for winter conditions.

Try New Activities:

  • Use the winter season as an opportunity to try new sports or activities.

  • Experimenting with different activities keeps things interesting

Utilize Technology:

  • Use fitness apps or wearable devices to track your activity and set reminders.

  • Virtual fitness challenges or apps can add a competitive or community element.

Prioritize Consistency:

  • Establish a routine that works for you and stick to it consistently.

  • Consistency is key for maintaining an active lifestyle year-round.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Keep a Balanced Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for overall health and well-being. Here are some bullet-pointed suggestions for keeping a balanced diet during the holidays and winter months:

Include a Variety of Foods:

  • Consume a diverse range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

  • Aim for a colorful plate to ensure a mix of nutrients.

Plan Healthy Holiday Meals:

  • Incorporate nutritious side dishes and salads into holiday meals.

  • Opt for lean protein sources, such as turkey or fish.

Include Fiber-Rich Foods:

  • Increase fiber intake with whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.

  • Fiber promotes digestive health and helps maintain satiety.

Listen to Hunger Cues:

  • Eat when hungry and stop when satisfied.

  • Pay attention to emotional eating triggers.

Vitamin D Intake:

  • In winter months with less sunlight, consider sources of vitamin D, such as fortified foods or supplements.

  • Vitamin D is essential for bone health and immune function.

Remember that balance is key, and it's okay to enjoy holiday treats in moderation. If you have specific dietary concerns or conditions, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for tailored advice.

Let’s enjoy this holiday season and create happy and healthy environments for us all!

Wendy Leonard

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

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