How to NOT Gain the Freshman Fifteen

Finally, you have the freedom of college! This comes with a lot perks, as well as some downfalls. When you are let off the leash of your parents the world is your oyster… and so is the dining hall. BUT we’ve got your back! Here are some tips on how to avoid the freshman fifteen and live your healthiest, best life.

Start simple! Avoiding losing weight does not have to be extravagant, here are seven simple tips you can implement into your everyday routine:

  1. Skip the soda in the dining hall and stick to water!

  2. Try drinking your coffee black OR with just almond milk OR better yet: drink green tea

  3. Utilize the salad bar!! -salads don’t have to be boring.

  4. Try to walk to all of your classes if you can.

  5. ALWAYS have breakfast- even if it is just a granola bar or a piece of fruit.

  6. Keep a water bottle on you so you stay hydrated and avoid the cravings!

  7. Try not to drink beer or sugary alcohol mixers- this one helps A LOT!

Alright, now that you have seven steps you can make with your everyday routine, let’s get into the technical stuff.

Let’s start with exercise!

  1. Try your best to get some sort of physical activity everyday! Even if it is just walking! Make this a fun thing to do with your friends so it isn’t so boring.

  2. Mix it up! It doesn’t have to always be a run. Most schools offer free workout classes so take advantage of those. They have barre, yoga, spin, dance and much more!

  3. Take the stairs as much as possible!

  4. Lastly, get sleep! Pulling an all nighter for a test is not worth it. Not only does it mess up your sleep schedule and metabolism but also is not proven to be effective in achieving a good grade anyways!

Water, Water, Water!!

  1. Water has more power than you think!

  2. Try to drink a glass of water right when you wake up.

  3. Think again before grabbing soda or juice… trust me it’ll be worth it in the end (and you’ll feel good).

  4. Keep a water bottle on you all day and refill as much as possible.

There is a salad bar for a reason!

You may think salads are boring BUT they are only boring if you make them boring! Most salad bars have so many options. Spice up your salad with some chickpeas, beets, all the veggies you love, and maybe some grilled chicken, tuna or salmon. Make sure to stick to a light dressing like balsamic vinegar!

Those late night Saturday snack cravings…

Yes I know, we all have those after party cravings and just really want pizza or mozzarella sticks BUT that is where it sneaks up on you. Try this instead: prepare some veggies and dip, rice cakes, a protein bar, or some fruit and dedicate that as your drunk snack. While in the moment you may feel lame, the next morning your body will thank you! (Also definitely stock up on Pedialyte and ice cold water for the morning).

Also, check out our Weight Management Bundle, available in our online store. We offer FREE shipping on all supplement orders.

Please contact us if you have any questions about how to boost immunity or about the supplements we recommend to support your immunity and your health.

Wendy Leonard

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

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